reyv·payzaj | dream·scape

Platform Centre for Photographic + Digital Art | 6 SEPT - 2 NOV

dream·scape is a solo exhibition by Red River Métis artist Robyn Adams. Based in Vancouver as an architectural designer, Adams invites viewers into an envisioned Métis landscape. Her work interlaces architectural and cultural processes, featuring 3D modeling, cyanotype plant documentation, floral beadwork, and ceremony from an Indigenous futurism lens. At its core, dream·scape immerses viewers in Michif ontology offering a perspective of Métis identity and connection to the land.

reyv·payzaj si t’ayn expozisyon personel di l’archis Michif di la Rivyayr Roj Robyn Adams. Baysi a Vancouver kom in designer d’art, Adams y l’invit li spektatewr dan in payzaj Michif imajini. Son travayl y krwayz li proses arkitekchural ipi kulchural, avek 3-D modeling, di cyanotype, ayn dokumentasyon dju klyen, di rasad floral ipi ayn ceremoni dan ayn opchik di fuchurisim Otokton. A sa bays, reyv·payzaj y plonj li spektatewr dan l’ontoloji di Michif, ofran ayn perspekchif sur l’identiti Michif ipi sa koneksyon avek la tayr.

French-Michif translation by Lorraine Coutu

All photo documentation by Daisy Wu